Search for a Job by typing in the Job / Insured Name, Job ID, or Address.
Find a Job by scrolling through the Jobs List using a swipe up or down gesture. Tap A-Z to Sort the list alphabetically.
Navigate to the Job Menu by selecting the Job Name.
The Job Menu displays quick navigation options to access the Rooms, Inventory, Documents Center, or to Upload the Inventory.
Access the Job Dashboard by selecting the circle/image to the left of the respective Job. Then, select the Job Dashboard icon in the top menu.
Tap the Route icon for Directions to the selected job from your current location. Select multiple jobs to create a route list. Note: Selecting Multiple Jobs will make a route between all selected jobs.
For convenience, accessing the Job Dashboard or Route Map can also be accomplished by swiping from right to left on the job within the job list. Note: You can also delete the job using this action.
Smart Search Filter: Tap the Smart Search Filter at the bottom of the Job List to refine the list of jobs by available filter options.
Hint: Use the Smart Search Filter to see all jobs with data that still needs to be uploaded to the cloud.
Add a New Job Note by selecting the "+" sign or from the top right menu option.
It is recommended that all jobs must be entered into the cloud account first, not the mobile device. However, if there is no other option (after-hours appointment), the job can be synced later once the job has been manually added to the cloud.