% of line items which have descriptions. This is a great measurement as an estimate or invoice can only be generated once descriptions have been completed. In iCAT, a description is required so to assign a cleaning or replacement cost.
% of contents which are cleaned. Calculated based on the “production status” of an item. As it changes from “cleaning” to “cleaned”, it affects the total % Restored. A great measurement to see how much of the job is left to clean. Note: Cleaning to Cleaned production status is achieved by leveraging the modern contents restoration view. It is not recommended for beginner users and better suited to true Modern Contents Operators.
% of billable line items which have an associated cleaning cost or replacement value (if it’s a non-salvageable item). A great measurement to see how close a job is to getting an estimate or invoice out if you are using iCat to price a job.
% of contents which have a status. Contents come in as status = “New” (cleanable). The moment a user assigns a status such as “Restored” or “Replacement” or “Return As Is”, that means they have inspected the item post cleaning. A great measurement to know instantly how much of the job is left to clean/inspect. Note: In manufacturing style processing, Modern Contents Processors use Inspection as their quality control layer post cleaning.
% of the contents which have been placed either into a storage location, or a pack back box (by selecting package and print in the production view). A great measurement to know how much of the job is packaged for storage/delivery. Modern Contents Processors have Packaging as a separate department after Quality Control (Inspection)
% of contents, which have a status “Replacement”, that has officially been disposed using the iCAT Disposal Feature (Production view, select Dispose Radio Button). A great measurement to know how much of the job is left to Dispose. Keep your data clean. If a job is 100% delivered, disposal should also be 100%. If not, you are either holding on to non-salvage inventory, or your system thinks you have it but actually it was disposed or left on-site. Keep your iCat database clean and up to date. Dispose of contents using iCat.
% of contents which have been delivered to the customer. A great measurement to understand how much of the job still needs to be delivered.