The Manage Subcontractor view allows you to manage all the contents you have in play with subcontractors, what stage they are in, and helps you with the necessary flow and documentation required to handle multiple subcontractor assignments to contents.
First, make sure you have added a subcontractor: see Add Subcontractors
Assigning an item to a Subcontractor
During the Restoration or Inspection stages of production, if an item is found to be beyond the capabilities of the facilities, but can still be restored, it can be recommended to be sent to a subcontractor. To do this, simply select ONLY the item being recommended, by marking the checkbox for the item in the list to the left and ensure that it is the only item in the list to the right. Next click the Recommend Subcontractor button.
Confirm the operation and enter the reasoning for recommending a subcontractor when prompted. This will send the item over to the Pending section of the Subcontractor View for an admin to later review and, approve and assign, or deny and sent it back to the department with instructions. The reason entered will appear on supporting documentation so that the subcontractor knows why they are looking at it.
The Manage Subcontractor View
The view follows the logic and steps in dealing with contents and subcontractors. Each Tab under the subcontractor section represents a status which defines the Subcontractor Status. The number next to the title denotes how many items are in that section waiting for further processing.
To open the Subcontractor View, Select Subcontractor View from the Production View Header
Lets start from the beggining:
Pending Approval
All items which have been suggested for subcontractor from other views appear here. Once items have been approved they move to To Be Assigned.
Select the Item which was recommended by a subcontractor from the Production View, and Select either Approve if you want to proceed with sending this item to a subcontractor, or Deny, if it is no longer necessary.
To Be Assigned
All items which have been approved and need to be assigned to a subcontractor are listed. Assigning a subcontractor can be either for Delivery or Dispatch.
Delivery means you will be taking this item to the subcontractor. As a result, a field service will be created along with a pick list for you to locate the item in your facility, and a packing slip for you to have the subcontractor sign. The packing slip also indicates to the trade why you are sending them the item.
Dispatch means you want the contractor to either attend the insureds location, or come to your facility. As a result, the required paperwork will be generated. iCAT will also remind you by way of creating a phone call task, to remind you to call your insured to advise them that your subcontractor will be in touch with them to arrange a time to attend on-site.
To assign the item to a subcontractor, select the content item, then select the subcontractor, then select either Dispatch or Delivery.
Note: Selecting Remove Items effectively kicks the selected items out of the subcontractor process.
Lists items that need to be delivered to a subcontractor; all items are linked with a field service. Field services can be created by selecting multiple items being sent to one subcontractor and clicking the Create Field Service button. Once the field service is completed items move to Awaiting Quote.
In the Delivery Tab, Select the line item and click on "Field Service"
Select Yes to download and print (2 copies recommended) of a subcontractor packing slip as seen below:
At the bottom of the Subcontractor View, a Field Service is automatically created. Click on the field service when you are ready to schedule when your staff will take this item to the subcontractor. You will have all the tools related to a field service so that you can print a pick list to go and find the item, approve that the right item(s) have been retrieved, print out a road report for your driver so they know what they are delivering and where they are going. Look up the Field Service Tutorials to learn more.
Awaiting Quote
All items that require a quote from the subcontractor. The quote should include estimates for repairs, and a refusal cost. Once a quote is received from the subcontractor, the Enter Quote button will allow the user to enter the details and the item(s) move to Awaiting Authorization.
To enter the quote, in the Awaiting Quote Tab, select the line item and click on Enter Quote.
Note: The Delivery Field Service must be completed (information added and closed) before user can enter a quote.