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Upload Company Logo
Upload Company Logo

Add your company logo to reports and on-screen views. This article describes what format your company logo needs to be in prior to upload.

Written by Xavier
Updated over 6 years ago

The company logo's color space needs to be RGB and its resolution should be set up to maximum 800 x 600 pixel proportionally and horizontal and vertical resolution must be at 96 dpi.

You can confirm the above details by right click on the logo and select properties.

Changing the resolution of the logo image is not something that can be done in iCat. 800 x 600 pixel is simply the maximum recommended image length and width that should be used when creating/resizing your company logo before uploading it to iCat.

Creating and resizing a company image can be done using any image editing software (e.g. Adobe Photoshop).

If you need to make changes, you could use tool like this to correct the dpi ย - .

Once the logo has been resized to it's requirements, you can upload into iCat.

  1. Select <Company Setup> from the Admin drop down menu.

2. Choose the logo file that you have prepared to upload by selecting <Choose File>

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